

Young Mediators’ Blog April 2019 – Arbitration Corner

News from the CIArb YMG

It has been a busy month for the CIArb YMG!

Nomination for a GAR Award

We were in Paris for the Global Arbitration Review Awards after the Scottish CIArb YMG was nominated for a GAR award.  Sadly we did not win but it was great to be recognised by such a well-respected organisation and we had a super evening at the Intercontinental Paris celebrating with the Global Arbitration Community.


Young Members attend CIArb Annual Dinner

On 22 March our Young Members Group attended the CIArb Annual Dinner at the Trades Hall in Glasgow taking a full table for the first time. A great night was had by our committee and their guests. We are hoping to make the Young Members table an annual occasion so please get in touch if you would like to join the table next year in Edinburgh.


LCIA Tribunal Secretary Event

We then took part in the LCIA’s first event held in Scotland (hosted by Burness Paull) on the use of Tribunal Secretaries in arbitration – an often divisive subject!  The session involved a role play where a Tribunal of experienced arbitration practitioners (Lindy Patterson QC, Kenneth Campbell QC and Brandon Malone) debated the proposed role of a tribunal secretary under the LCIA’s recent guidelines before putting it before the parties to discuss.  The mock scenario prompted a lively debate with the audience showing that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to the role of Secretaries.  We hope this will be the first of many events run by the LCIA in Scotland in the run up to the ICCA conference in May 2020.


Upcoming CIArb YMG Events

Skills Training Workshop: the nuts and bolts of cross-examination in international arbitration (in collaboration with Young ICCA), 30 May 2019, Scottish Arbitration Centre, Edinburgh

As many of you will know, the biggest arbitration conference in the world, ICCA, is to take place in Edinburgh 10-13 May 2020.  As part of a series of events focusing on international arbitration in the lead up to ICCA, we have teamed up with Young ICCA to provide an interactive workshop on cross-examination on 30 May.  The session will include presentations by experienced practitioners on best practices for conducting cross-examination in international arbitration and a practical cross-examination role play exercise.  The skills taught will be of relevance to those involved in international and domestic arbitration as well as court practitioners.  The event is free to attend.  More details here, sign up will be open shortly.

International arbitration from the perspective of an expert witness, 6 June 2019, HKA Offices, Glasgow

The second in our series of international arbitration events, Doug Neville and Martin Campbell of HKA give a practical insight into the realm of international arbitration from the perspective of an expert witness.

The event is also free to attend and will be hosted at HKA’s Offices in Glasgow on 6 June 2019 with networking drinks afterwards.  Sign-up details are here.

*SAVE THE DATE*: CIArb YMG Annual Conference 2019 – 8 November 2019, CMS Offices, Edinburgh

The Scottish branch of the CIArb YMG is hosting the annual global conference for the CIArb YMG in Edinburgh later this year.  This full day conference (which is free to attend) is a truly global affair with delegates flying from all over the world to discuss the latest arbitration and dispute resolution trends.  Last year’s conference hosted in Dublin attracted practitioners from as far afield as Europe, Dubai, Hong Kong, Africa and Canada.  Please save the date in your diary, a full programme for the day will follow soon.  Further details here.

Arbitration News

LCIA releases its 2018 Annual Casework Report

Earlier this month, the LCIA released its annual report with statistics on the matters referred to it in the previous year.  2018 saw a significant rise in the number of disputes in the banking and finance sector.  It also reports that women represented 43% of all arbitrators selected by the LCIA Court in 2018. You can read the full report here.

ICC Task Force publishes final report on Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings

The report provides analysis of the first 80 Emergency Arbitrator applications made in the six years since they were introduced.  The full report here.

IBA publishes technology resources for arbitration practitioners

The IBA has gathered a list of currently available technological advances that can be used to augment or assist in arbitration.  The guide can be access here.

For more information in getting involved with the CIArb YMG or any of our events please contact Laura West – or follow us on Twitter @CIArbScotland or LinkedIn

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